Alona Davelman personal fashion stylist, personal shopper, wardrobe consultant and audit

wardrobe audit

Create your dream WARDROBE! A wardrobe audit is one of our most popular services. Together, we will work through a few very important steps.

Color analysis: wearing your best colors will lead to compliments heightened self-confidence, and make you look younger!

Body shape analysis: knowing your body shape is another important aspect to putting an outfit together. By dressing correctly, you creating perfect body balance.

Closet de-clutter: stacked, packed and bulging the clothes closet looms. When it takes too long to dress for a special occasion or to find a simple jeans and a T-shirt - it's time to stop closet clutter and get your closet in order.

Wardrobe plan: create a list of needed items based of your color type, body-shape type, lifestyle , and style personality.

To book this services call: 905-717-2713

Alona Davelman ia a personal shopper, personal fashion stylist and image consultant

personal shopping

In just a few hours Alona will provide exceptional guidance in the selection of clothing and accessories that suit your budget and personal lifestyle. Whether you want to shop at boutiques, department stores, vintage or consignment shops, this session will be an enjoyable learning experience. Hate to shop or just don't have time in your busy schedule for it? No worries. Alona will save your time and energy by bringing the clothing selection to your home.

To book this services call: 905-717-2713


personal makeover

Alona's one or two-day personal makeover changes lives, self esteem, and self confidence. It trasforms your appearance from head to toe, so you become the person you were meant to be. Alona supervises every step of the process, so that each and every element of your image will be perfect. She'll make you stand out, feel and look your best with styles and colors that will make you irresistibly attractive.

To book this services call: 905-717-2713